Getting dressed in my black high heels for the dinner. Having a circuit blown. Serving dessert. listening to awesome maid of honor and best man speeches. Spraying whipped cream into our mouths. Drinking Izzie with paper straws. getting my hair done real fancy. Helping Adam move out of his bedroom. Having a dance party in the bridal room. Waiting for 1:00. Playing with Aidan.

Walking down with two gentleman. ;) Holding a bouquet of flowers. listing to a friend talk about bubble grenades. Enjoying my pearly whites. Talking wedding party pictures. Being introduced as the wedding party. Talking to all of my long lost friends and relatives. Watching Adam walking to us.
Playing Frisbee golf for the fist time and getting a 78!! ;) Having the same exact score during Frisbee golf with my friend. Riding back in a mini van with the windows down and singing country music. Hearing a friend tell about how he drove a stick shift for the first time and accidentally got it in 5th gear.
Playing guillotine and bang at the same time!! Relieving stress as we played the piano. Being the outlaw twice in a row. Eating brownies with powdered sugar on top. Making jokes like "dis boy" and "hope you had a magical time." Laughing so hard my eyes got watery. So thankful that my friends traveled 7 hours to be with us for this special weekend.
Watching youtube videos and laughing all together. Talking into the wee hours of the night, Sadly saying goodbye. But happily planning the next party. I had a great weekend!!
Joyfully in Him,